When I named one of my last works The Fall, I did it bearing in mind that it was both about Autumn and the fall of man. Yes, I was sure it was about the fall of our civilization, due to a broken relationship with nature, due to the scarcity of natural resources. I tried to ilustrate those ideas in my painting, an the name of the work came to me naturally. Yet, at the moment I decided that The Fall would remain the name of the work, I was still unaware of some details I had put in the painting myself. In fact I was unaware of their signification in the context of the work. Of course I have put them there knowing what I was doing, but, for example, the Tower of Babel was, for me, the symbol of the underachieved dialogue between nations and the plane's wreck was the symbol of our failing to manage the ever decreasing reserves of fosile fuels. But the truth that came to my conscience only when I was visualizing the details of my work is that the symbolic meaning of every small thing depicted there is, indeed, the Fall. The last apple on the tree branch, some leaves on a sapling which seemed to be the last one alive, the hare turning towards the humanlike figure in the center of the scene waiting for a solution of some sort for the hunger which anounces its presence, the last fruits of the earth, the measuring wheights, the red corall and the string of pearls, which were weighed on the balance, everything is speaking about the Fall. That is why I think I was somehow hinted, my painting hand tricked me into choosing that name. The Tower which fell only to prove that God was inaprehensible for humans, whatever their efforts might have been, and the plane, yet another attempt to conquer the sky and its secrets, were part of this scenography which had only one purpose, to uphold only one word: Fall. Even if I spent a couple of days painting this work, the fact it still appeals to me, the fact it still reveals its meaning to me in a manner which is at the same time refreshing and troubling, make me believe I did good. Eventhough I have sort of spoiled the fun you might have had by trying to discover for yourselves what is this work about, I am sure not so many of you will see this text before the work and even if you do, I believe you would agree with me that sometimes the artist should find his own words to describe what he is doing and that, at any moment, he should be alowed to speak his mind on any matter he feels to.
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